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This website belongs to Dr. Mohga Kamal-Yanni MPhil, MBE
This website has information of my work in global health
including current work on Covid-19 in English
and also Arabic podcasts.
On Covid19 Vaccine access
28 January 2021:Talking to DemocracyNow TV about supply problems
Talking to DemocracyNow TV about #PeopleVaccine
And interview with EuroNews on 8th December 2020
Apart from my work in global health, the website also includes other interests e.g. blogs on general interests and on living with a kid with Down Syndrome.
By the way my article Scaling up malaria treatment in the Malaria Journal, has been cited 40 times.
I believe that every human is entitled to good health care and the medicines they need, irrespective of their birthplace or their ability to pay.
I work as a freelance consultant to help organisations, institutions and governments to ensure that all people have this access.
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